The first photo I saw online after morning devotion was a newspaper headline tagged “21 years of civil rule: Nigeria on the thumb of the godfathers”. Wow! It meant that we have had democracy in this country since 1999 but cannot tell what democracy has done for us as a nation other than the fact that we know a good theoretical definition of what democracy is “GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE”. For 21 years we have been given rights to choose leaders that will make our country better than the days of General Sani Abacha, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Obafemi Awolowo etc., For all these years, we were expected to elect leaders that will make sure we had better schools, better hospitals, improved infrastructures, greater security, stronger unity especially after the civil war, a more stable society and growth in several areas of our national development but here we are 21 years later still grappling with underdevelopment and hoping that we don’t toy with our gifts until we cease to be called Nigerians anymore.
Personally, I think, June 12 ought to be a date for reflection by every Nigerian that desires progress for our country because it is a perfect date that reminds us about the time when we were given powers as masses to shape the destiny of our country. We all need to become leaders with or without titles by first thinking about how well we have maximized the opportunities given to us. We need to remind ourselves that we have more powers than we think we currently use. Things happen within our country at this time and all we do is tweet about it thinking that tweets are enough to save our country from steady decline we see every day.
We are plagued currently by several ills; People die on our streets daily, diseases ravage us, our schools are shut down because we are backward on technology, criminals are celebrated, politicians loot us, hospitals are shut down causing our doctors to seek opportunities in other countries, our judiciary is compromised, poverty rate continues to increase, our citizens are jobless, infrastructure remains a big challenge yet we sit and do nothing and maybe just pray and tweet about our realities.
WE MUST CHANGE OUR NARRATIVES. We have been given power; the leaders we currently have now were given powers by us or they will not have it. The mess they currently put our country in will take too much time to fix if we let them die off before we commence doing what we need to do which is demanding for good governance and the enabling of our society so we can live comfortable lives before we pass on to our maker.
How do we Begin? I may not be very elaborate to avoid superfluity but I wish that @madmo and other intentional people can get us organized so we get started:
First, we need stakeholders and everyone is a stakeholder but we cannot all meet thus we need to meet at different levels.
We need the labour once who were once aware of how much power they had when Adams Oshiomhole was a comrade.
We need schools to teach history and government at all levels of our educational system so we can know how to demand from local, state and federal government
We need our churches, mosques, shrines and other religious houses to teach the people about their responsibilities. I Look forward to other suggestions.
Until we start a Match beyond condemning the ills alone by doing something about our situation, nothing will ever change.