Countless times the bible reminds me that, “Narrow is the gate that leads to life and only a few find it.”
The most important photo frame on my study wall reminds me daily that, “Difficulty is a severe instructor. It exerts us to the limit, but it strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skills”.
There were days I walked more than 10km to attend scheduled interviews because I could not afford the transport fare that would easily take me to the interview venues. The reminder that a 10km walk on work attire wasn’t a funny experience made me take getting ready for interviews seriously. I didn’t want to walk 200km before landing a job, so I took every opportunity given to me at that time like they were the only ones available.
When I eventually landed my first job, I knew being jobless meant being penniless and going back to the same level of difficulty, or even worse. I had to take my job seriously to stay relevant.
How could I forget all the difficulties I went through to make my wife say YES to me. All the times that should have been invested in writing certificate courses. All the trips to see a million relations (try getting married in Nigeria and you will understand 😁) to convince them of my being worthy. All the money I spent on dates that were not solicited. All the gifts I bought to prove that I was more worthy than other suitors or opponents that tried to lure her with ineffective tactics 😁.
Hmmm, indeed, Those days were painful but, the end was worth it because I GOT THE GIRL and I am doing what I can to keep her.
You have the liberty to ask great pianists, fantastic orators, astute politicians including the ones we think are not good leaders, famous scientists and businessmen we admire all over the globe if getting to be top was a sweet journey or a painful one.
Everything good and worthy of mention comes with PAIN that eventually serves us well.
In this month, the world celebrates Love globally, I pray that we remember that nothing good comes easy and choose to commit to loving ourselves, family, jobs, friends, enemies so we can keep making our world a better place.